JPH :)

Xuehui Yu | | | |

Hello Humans 👋 I am a final-year PhD student in the WI Research Group at Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT), co-supervised by Prof. Yi Guan and Dr. Jingchi Jiang. I am currently visiting the Autonomous Agents Research Group at the University of Edinburgh (UoE), supervised by Prof. Stefano V. Albrecht.

In research, I develop Reinforcement Learning (RL) algorithms for autonomous robots 🤖 My receipt is to build an end-to-end pipeline of perception and decision-making to realise general-purpose robot autonomy in the wild.
🏥 Hospital Application. My research [1] [5] has been deployed in the WI Health Management System, reported by WWW.CHINANEWS.COM !!

In life, I 🎾 🏂 🏋 🏃 🏊 Well, I am an amateur "athlete" and a core member of the tennis association at HIT 😹 I used to be a member of the HaiZhiYun Choir 🎶 and the QiDian Art Studio 🎨

I am happy to discuss potential collaboration opportunities, feel free to reach out!

[1] Skill-aware Mutual Information Optimisation for Generalisation in Reinforcement Learning
Xuehui Yu, Mhairi Dunion, Xin Li, Stefano V Albrecht
NeurIPS 2024. Under Review.
Keywords: contrastive learning, RL, meta RL, zero-shot generalisation.
My favourite research ✨ How to build generalist robot autonomy in the wild? How to ground the behaviour of RL agents in the world? Perhaps all you need is a skill-aware RL agent, and then set it free in the wild, allowing it to perceive the world and behave (explore/utilise skills) on its own 🤖 🤖 🤖
Code | Paper | Our benchmark: Sa-Panda-gym
[2] Causal Prompting Model-based Offline Reinforcement Learning
Xuehui Yu, Yi Guan, Rujia Shen, Chen Tang and Jingchi Jiang*
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems. Under Review.
Keywords: RL, model-based offline RL, causal, prompt.
How to complete the online deployment of offline RL agents in low-resource scenarios? A brave attempt in a medical large-scale online system! A medical benchmark VirtualPatient is being built! A decision model can be trained in either supervised learning or offline RL in the benchmark.

Selected Publication
[1] ARLPE: A Meta Reinforcement Learning Framework for Glucose Regulation in Type 1 Diabetics
Xuehui Yu, Yi Guan, Lian Yan, Shulang Li, Xuelian Fu, Jingchi Jiang*
Expert Systems With Applications, IF: 8.665.
Keywords: Artificial pancreas, automated insulin treatment, diabetes, meta RL, active learning.
How to accomplish fast adaptation in the meta-testing period with limited interaction data? How to address the data distribution mismatch problem? Here are the tricks! :)
Code | Paper
[2] Causal Coupled Mechanisms: A Control Method with Cooperation and Competition for Complex System
Xuehui Yu, Jingchi Jiang, Xinmiao Yu, Yi Guan*,Xue Li
The (BIBM) 2022 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine.
Keywords: complex system control, causal reasoning, hierarchical RL.
We propose a novel hierarchical RL framework for complex biological system control, which can self-supervised learn skills and reuse learned skills.
[3] PercolationDF: A percolation-based medical diagnosis framework
Jingchi Jiang, Xuehui Yu, Yi Lin, Yi Guan
Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2022, 19(6): 5832-5849.
Keywords: complex networks; knowledge representation; medical diagnosis; percolation theory
The world model based on cascading theory, which models the physiological domino effect in environment dynamics.
[4] DECAF: An Interpretable Deep Cascading Framework for ICU Mortality Prediction
Jingchi Jiang, Xuehui Yu, Boran Wang, Linjiang Ma, Yi Guan
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (2022): 102437.
[5] Contextual Policy Transfer in Meta-Reinforcement Learning via Active Learning
Jingchi Jiang, Lian Yan, Xuehui Yu and Yi Guan
19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Applications.
[6] Unified Fine-Grained Biomedical Entity Recognition as a Combination of Boundary Detection and Sequence Generation
Xue Li, Yang Yang, Mingchen Ye, Yi Guan, Xuehui Yu, and Jingchi Jiang
The (BIBM) 2022 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine.
[7] An interactive food recommendation system using reinforcement learning
Liangliang Liu, Yi Guan, Zi Wang, Rujia Shen, Guowei Zheng, Xuelian Fu, Xuehui Yu, Jingchi Jiang
Expert Systems With Applications, IF: 8.665.
Keywords: food recommender systems, RL, collaborative filtering, cross attention, state representation

University of Edinburgh - (2023-)
I am now a visiting student in Autonomous Agents Research Group, the School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh.
Harbin Institute of Technology - (2019-)
I began my doctoral studies directly following my undergraduate degree, thanks to the postgraduate recommendation scheme. I am currently pursuing a PhD at the Faculty of Computing at Harbin Institute of Technology.
Harbin Engineering University - (2015-2019)
I earned my bachelor’s degree in Internet of Things Engineering from the College of Computer Science and Technology, Harbin Engineering University in 2019. I was honoured the Outstanding Graduates in 2019.

Additional Information